Friday, November 18, 2011

                    The Bear Paw table is meant to express a desire   
                      for freedom and the wilderness.
In my mind, there is no other animal that I have witnessed, move through the forest with such an air of dominion.  Everything in the forest is there for them or rather that's the way they make it look.
          A well used bear trail is an interesting thing to come across.  Bears might be unique in the way that they will walk directly in the footprints of another bear that has proceeded them on the trail.  It would be interesting to know the reason for this.  
Bear paw prints have a symbolic importance to me, when I find their tracks on the ground in front of me, I know that I have left the safety net of modern civilization and that's where I like to be.
          The bear paw table is the recreation of a scene.  A scene where you are walking along the sandy banks of a river, miles and miles away from civilization.  You look down to discover a very large set of bear prints deeply set into the wet sand at the edge of the water.  The rest of the scenario I will leave up to you. 

          Light from above shines through the bear paw cutouts and leave a light pattern on the floor.  This is a representation of the bears spirit (a symbol of strength) that walks among us.

          The table is made up from two different kinds of wood.   Cherry is used to represent the sand, scrub plane marks are left in the wood to give the sand an appearance that has been washed by waves.  Ash wood is used to represent the water. It is a very grainy wood, the grain helps mimic the ripple wavy pattern of water. It is dyed  with blues and greens to represent the water color of a mountain stream. The table is finished with a water based linear urethane for ultimate durability.

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